Underage DUI Attorney In Tempe
When it comes to underage drinking and driving, Arizona has a zero tolerance policy. If your blood alcohol content (BAC) is anything over 0.00%, then a police officer can cite you with a DUI. There are many consequences that come with receiving a DUI while being underage. Because of this, it is important that you get an attorney involved immediately.
If you or your child has received a DUI while being under the age of 21 in Arizona, it is important that you consult with a underage DUI attorney. When working with our law firm, you will have an experienced attorney who is approachable, accommodating and affordable. We offer free consultations to help you determine what your next steps need to be.

Arizona’s Zero Tolerance Policy
Arizona is a Zero Tolerance state when it comes to driving under the influence under the age of 21. If you are under the age of 21 and are caught with anything above a 0.00% blood alcohol content, then you will be charged with a DUI.
Because of Arizona’s strict DUI laws, it is important to get an experienced DUI attorney involved immediately after receiving your citation.

Consequences of Underage DUI in Arizona
If you are convicted of a DUI for the first time, you could potentially receive potential jail time, a $1,600 fine and license suspension for up to a year. The DUI charge may not be the only charge you are facing though. Some other charges you could be facing are:
- Distributing alcohol to minors (if the passengers are underage and under the influence)
- Moving violations
- Possession of false identification (If a fake ID was used to purchase the alcohol)
- Soliciting alcohol
- Child endangerment